Mobile App Development

The best tools for Mobile apps development

Build your own mobile applications, display beautiful presentations and menus and implement support for native gestures on touch devices.  

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DMXzone Cordova Builder

Define, generate and build mobile applications

DMXzone Cordova Builder allows you to define, generate and build mobile applications based on Apache Cordova (formerly known as PhoneGap), empower and replace the old deprecated Dreamweaver PhoneGap build. With this awesome tool it's possible to deploy your app build in regular HTML5 and CSS as a mobile app to all of the major mobile platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10, Amazon Fire OS, Firefox OS and more. No need for complicated installations and command line wizardry.You can run all the needed commands right from the dedicated floating panel and see all the desired output. Run, build or emulate is a single click away!

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DMXzone Visual App Designer for Framework 7

The future of building mobile apps is here

Create amazing HTML5 and CSS based mobile apps fully visually in Dreamweaver with DMXzone Visual App Designer! Use the ready to go Mobile UI Components and manage the app logical structure in the dedicated floating panel. Build your app with context aware drag & drop and enter the components properties in the smart property inspector. Empower the great looking Framework7 mobile framework for awesome native looking designs.

Make dynamic apps together with the HTML5 Data Bindings and connect them to databases with the DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and Updater PHP/ASP. When you are done with the app you can build, test and package it directly in DMXzone Cordova Builder for any platform.

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Sliding Billboard

Organize your work greatly in a virtual book!

Discover the power of interactive presentations – the Sliding Billboard ! Organize your work greatly in a virtual book, which auto scrolls and enables your users to slide from page to page or chapter to chapter naturally. You can present any type of work this way: your portfolio, photo albums, products index, web shop, ads and much more. Choose from the 13 cool CSS designs included, so your billboard always looks great and suites your site perfectly.

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Sliding Panels

Present your content in stunning Panels!

So you like the way iPad and iPhone work? Having great bouncing scrollable areas, minimalistic scrollbars, amazing sliding pages? Great gestures touch interfaces and stunning styles? Well you can have all that now on your regular browsers as well as touch devices with the new Sliding Panels extension from DMXzone!

Based on CSS and jQuery – fully cross browser, this extension offers support for native gestures on touch devices as well mouse gestures on regular browsers! Now you can scroll by swiping with your mouse on your browser or finger when using an iPad, iPhone or other touch device!

Divide your content in great looking pages that can be naturally slided left or right, with cool navigation and displayed in 15 styles! Every content page is fully visually editable in Dreamweaver so you can put any content in it! 

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Sliding Menu

Feel the touch experience with the amazing iPhone like menu!

Create an astonishing iPhone like menu in Dreamweaver. Give your users the power of touch and swipe gestures to experience the trusted iPhone feeling no matter what browser and OS they are using! Choose from the many included CSS based designs to resemble iPhone, iPad, Android experience or create your own design to fully suite your site needs. Use the menu as a site component or as a mobile version of your site! Sliding menu is built with jQuery, is CSS based and uses HTML5 W3C standard elements like CSS3 Transitions, when available, for the highest animation quality and no Flash at all.

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HTML5 Slideshow 2

Mind-blowing HTML5 Presentations
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George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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