Customising Dreamweaver Menus

One of the joys of Dreamweaver MX 2004 is its flexibility. With a little extra knowledge you can customise it so that it fits your particular workflow. You can hide the panels you don't like, record commands to speed up your common tasks and  customise the menus.

In this tutorial we'll be looking at  how you can alter the structure of the main Dreamweaver menus, allowing quicker access to the features you use, and moving those you don't to somewhere un-obtrusive.

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Matt Machell

Matt MachellA man of many talents, Matt has been a web designer, technical editor, and jewellery picker. He is currently on contract for the Birmingham City University, producing pages for research centres.

He has tech-edited a dozen books on web design and development for glasshaus, Apress and Sitepoint.

He likes music with loud guitars and games with obscure rules.

His website can be found at:

He lives in Birmingham with his girlfriend, Frances, and a horde of spider plants.

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