CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page


Intelligent Scaling

Asked 22 Jan 2008 04:02:14
has this question
22 Jan 2008 04:02:14 cain harland posted:
Is there any way I can turn Intelligent Scaling off and not have my images scaled.

What I want is for the gallery to remain the same size with a "frame" for the main image and if the image is tall and narrow it will float in middle of the frame. maintaining its aspect ratio while the strip of thumb nails stay in the same place and the same size.


Replied 10 Aug 2011 00:55:18
10 Aug 2011 00:55:18 S A M replied:
Did you get a reply to this? I'm looking for the same thing. Thanks!
Replied 15 Aug 2011 11:39:53
15 Aug 2011 11:39:53 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello S A M,

The CSS Image gallery works only in conjunction with dmxZone image resizer.

Replied 15 Aug 2011 20:22:04
15 Aug 2011 20:22:04 S A M replied:
Actually, what I meant was that I do not want the animated rescaling of the wrapper box when the images are different sizes. I want the wrapper box to stay the same size regardless of if the images are the same dimensions. When it is animated, the location of the thumbnails moves around. I don't want that.
Replied 29 Aug 2011 10:59:07
29 Aug 2011 10:59:07 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello S A M,

When you select the Gallery in dreamweaver design view in properties inspector there is a Check-box named "Auto Size". Unchecking this will prevent the gallery from autosizing.
Replied 23 May 2024 12:21:19
23 May 2024 12:21:19 David Homer replied:
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